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Luxury apartments, penthouses and townhouses for rent in the centre of Saint-Petersburg

Total number of properties : 611
арендовать 4-комнатную квартиру в Центральном районе СПБ

Authors design 3-room apartment for rent in the very center of Saint-Petersburg.

Type of property : apartment
District : Central
Address : Fontanki r. Emb. 101
Total area : 156m2
Number of rooms : 4
Rent rate : 1 500 €/month ID519
сниму дизайнерскую 4-комнатную квартиру с террасой в центре СПБ

Author's high-tech style 4-room apartment for lease in the very centre of Saint-Petersburg.

Type of property : apartment
District : Central
Address : Nevsky Pr. 131
Total area : 140m2
Number of rooms : 4
Rent rate : 2 250 €/month ID520
арендовать элитную квартиру с балконом С-Петербург

Author's design 2-room apartment for rent in the elite residential complex "Novaya Istoria".

Type of property : apartment
District : Vasilyeostrovsky
Address : Sredny Pr. 85
Total area : 70m2
Number of rooms : 2
Rent rate : 1 020 €/month ID521
сниму авторскую 4-комнатную квартиру на ул. Замшина Санкт-Петербург

Author's design two-level 4-room apartment for rent in a modern residential building.

Type of property : apartment
District : Kalininsky
Address : Zamshina Str. 31
Total area : 120m2
Number of rooms : 4
Rent rate : 820 €/month ID522
сниму видовую квартиру в историческом центре Санкт-Петербурга

Brand new author's 4-room apartment for rent in the elite residential complex "Smolny Park".

Type of property : apartment
District : Central
Address : Smolnogo Emb. 8
Total area : 170m2
Number of rooms : 4
Rent rate : 4 350 €/month ID523
сниму недвижимость Петроградский район Санкт-Петербург

Author's design 5-room attic apartment for rent in the center of Saint-Petersburg.

Type of property : apartment
District : Petrogradsky
Address : Bolshoy Pr. 7
Total area : 250m2
Number of rooms : 5
Rent rate : 2 450 €/month ID524
арендовать элитную недвижимость в элитном комплексе СПБ

Modern design 5-room apartment with a balcony for rent at Krestovsky island.

Type of property : apartment
District : Petrogradsky
Address : Kemskaya Str. 14
Total area : 164m2
Number of rooms : 5
Rent rate : 2 580 €/month ID525
недвижимость в аренду в историческом центре СПБ

Author's design 3-room apartment rental in the very center of Saint-Petersburg.

Type of property : apartment
District : Central
Address : Marata Str. 16
Total area : 85m2
Number of rooms : 3
Rent rate : 1 090 €/month ID526
арендовать квартиру на Волынском переулке Санкт-Петербург

Author's design 2-bedroom apartment for rent in the very center of Saint-Petersburg.

Type of property : apartment
District : Central
Address : Volynsky Lane 9
Total area : 77m2
Number of rooms : 3
Rent rate : 1 230 €/month ID527
снять стильную 4-комнатную квартиру с двумя балконами в центре Санкт-Петербурга

Author's design 4-room apartment for rent in the elite complex "Zolotaya Shpalernaya".

Type of property : apartment
District : Central
Address : Shpalernaya Str. 60
Total area : 150m2
Number of rooms : 4
Rent rate : 2 990 €/month ID528
сниму 4-комнатную квартиру на улице Рентгена Санкт-Петербург

Author's design 4-room apartment for rent in the historical center of Saint-Petersburg.

Type of property : apartment
District : Petrogradsky
Address : Rentgena Str. 4
Total area : 205m2
Number of rooms : 4
Rent rate : 1 770 €/month ID529
сниму 4-комнатную квартиру Крестовский остров Санкт-Петербург

Author's design 4-room apartment with two balconies rental in an elite complex.

Type of property : apartment
District : Petrogradsky
Address : Vyazovaya Str. 10
Total area : 178m2
Number of rooms : 4
Rent rate : 5 440 €/month ID530
сниму недвижимость на Крестовском острове Санкт-Петербург

Author's 3-room apartment rental in the elite residential complex "Olympiyskaya Derevnya".

Type of property : apartment
District : Petrogradsky
Address : Vyazovaya Str. 10
Total area : 136m2
Number of rooms : 3
Rent rate : 3 810 €/month ID531
арендовать недвижимость с паркингом на Васильевском острове Санкт-Петербург

Author's design 2-room apartment for lease in a modern residential building.

Type of property : apartment
District : Vasilyeostrovsky
Address : Shkipersky protok. 20
Total area : 74m2
Number of rooms : 2
Rent rate : 950 €/month ID532
сниму недвижимость в Курортном районе С-Петербург

Stylish author's design 3-room apartment for rent in an elite complex in Zelenogorsk.

Type of property : apartment
District : Kurortny
Address : Primorskoe Highway 502
Total area : 77m2
Number of rooms : 3
Rent rate : 1 700 €/month ID533
снять недвижимость на проспекте Науки С-Петербург

Classical design 4-room apartment with two balconies rental in a modern building.

Type of property : apartment
District : Kalininsky
Address : Nauki Pr. 19к2
Total area : 149m2
Number of rooms : 4
Rent rate : 1 360 €/month ID534
арендовать квартиру на улице Беринга Санкт-Петербург

Author's 4-room apartment rental in a modern residential complex "Dom na Smolenke".

Type of property : apartment
District : Vasilyeostrovsky
Address : Beringa Str. 23
Total area : 120m2
Number of rooms : 4
Rent rate : 1 360 €/month ID535
арендовать недвижимость с паркингом в Приморском районе Санкт-Петербург

Modern author's design 3-room apartment rental in a modern residential building.

Type of property : apartment
District : Primorsky
Address : Primorsky Pr. 59
Total area : 137m2
Number of rooms : 3
Rent rate : 2 310 €/month ID536
сниму стильную 5-комнатную квартиру на Большой Конюшенной улице Санкт-Петербург

Author's design 5-room apartment with two terraces for rent in the center of St-Petersburg.

Type of property : apartment
District : Central
Address : Konyushennaya Bol. Str. 12
Total area : 260m2
Number of rooms : 5
Rent rate : 4 760 €/month ID537
сниму стильную 2-комнатную квартиру в современном ЖК Санкт-Петербург

Stylish 2-room apartment for rent in the modern residential complex “Skandi Klubb”.

Type of property : apartment
District : Petrogradsky
Address : Aptekarsky Pr. 18
Total area : 60m2
Number of rooms : 2
Rent rate : 950 €/month ID538
недвижимость в аренду в историческом центре СПБ

Author's design 4-room apartment for lease in the very center of Saint-Petersburg.

Type of property : apartment
District : Central
Address : Ryleeva Str. 33
Total area : 170m2
Number of rooms : 4
Rent rate : 1 910 €/month ID539
арендовать просторную квартиру на улице Рубинштейна Санкт-Петербурга

Spacious author's design 5-room apartment for rent in the very center of Saint-Petersburg.

Type of property : apartment
District : Central
Address : Rubinshteyna Str. 11
Total area : 127m2
Number of rooms : 5
Rent rate : 1 500 €/month ID540
сниму недвижимость с балконом Петроградский район Санкт-Петербург

Author's design 3-room apartment to let in the modern residential complex «Skandi Klubb».

Type of property : apartment
District : Petrogradsky
Address : Aptekarsky Pr. 18
Total area : 80m2
Number of rooms : 3
Rent rate : 1 700 €/month ID541
снять элитную недвижимость в самом центре Санкт-Петербурга

Author's design 2-room apartment with a balcony rental in an elite residential building.

Type of property : apartment
District : Central
Address : Ispolkomskaya Str. 12
Total area : 70m2
Number of rooms : 2
Rent rate : 1 090 €/month ID542
снять недвижимость в современном ЖК Граф Орлов С-Петербург

Stylish 3-room apartment for rent in modern residential complex "Graf Orlov".

Type of property : apartment
District : Moskovsky
Address : Moskovsky Pr. 183
Total area : 111m2
Number of rooms : 3
Rent rate : 1 020 €/month ID543
арендовать 4-комнатную квартиру на Миллионной улице Санкт-Петербург

Bright stylish 4-room apartment for rent in the very center of Saint-Petersburg.

Type of property : apartment
District : Central
Address : Millionnaya Str. 23
Total area : 150m2
Number of rooms : 4
Rent rate : 1 230 €/month ID544
арендовать 3-комнатную квартиру в элитном доме Санкт-Петербург

Author's 3-room apartment with a terrace to let in an elite RC in the center of St-Petersburg.

Type of property : apartment
District : Central
Address : Shpalernaya Str. 60
Total area : 150m2
Number of rooms : 3
Rent rate : 1 790 €/month ID545
арендовать 2-комнатную квартиру на Миллионной ул. Санкт-Петербург

Modern design 2-room apartment for lease in the very centre of Saint-Petersburg.

Type of property : apartment
District : Central
Address : Millionnaya Str. 25
Total area : 80m2
Number of rooms : 2
Rent rate : 1 090 €/month ID546
арендовать 3-комнатную квартиру в Центральном районе Санкт-Петербурга

Stylish 3-room apartment for lease in an elite residential building.

Type of property : apartment
District : Central
Address : Robespera Emb. 12
Total area : 120m2
Number of rooms : 3
Rent rate : 1 770 €/month ID547
сниму недвижимость Петроградский район Санкт-Петербург

Author's design 4-room apartment rental in the historical center of Saint-Petersburg.

Type of property : apartment
District : Petrogradsky
Address : Ofitcersky Lane 8
Total area : 130m2
Number of rooms : 4
Rent rate : 2 720 €/month ID548
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